Blending Heritage and Innovation for a prosperous future
Rothesay Pavilion, a 1930s modernist gem on the Isle of Bute, reopens in 2027 as a vibrant hub for locals, visitors, and creatives. Overlooking Rothesay Bay, this Bauhaus-inspired icon boasts a sleek, curved façade - a hallmark of its era - contrasting Bute’s grand Victorian seafront heritage, yet linked by memories of holiday gatherings and carefree moments. Once alive with 1950s ballroom dancing, swing, and jitterbugging, it will again host live music, performances, exhibitions, workshops, and celebrations in its grand auditorium and versatile indoor-outdoor spaces, with a café and sea views.
Restored, the Pavilion and its community offer an unforgettable experience - a dynamic blend of social history, heritage and 1930s innovation, merging style with purpose for all. Its allure lies in this fusion: a community-led gem turning every visit, every penny, into prosperity for Bute, attracting day-trippers, artists, makers, explorers, and design enthusiasts to share its success.