We are the strategic destination marketing & management organisation for the whole of the Argyll & Bute region. We market the destination and represent the needs of tourism businesses to numerous stakeholders such as Visit Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Argyll & Bute Council, Forestry Commission, and Loch Lomond National Park Authority.
We also offer paid for marketing services for individual tourism businesses and suppliers across Argyll & the Isles.
When you join AITC, as a co-operative member, you also have a say in how we present our destination and the opportunity to vote on important issues. You join a community of businesses invested in the long term economic and community success of the destination.
For this reason, we offer a comprehensive range of benefits and services specifically for members, over and above the wider industry representation function that we also perform.
If you're still uncertain which membership type is right for you, please get in touch using the Contact Us page.
For information on our T&Cs, visit our Membership Terms and Conditions page.
You can also download our full membership pack below.